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 City East Hospital  2010-04-30
 Nanjing University Library  2010-04-30
 Technology Incubator Building, Phase II  2010-04-30
 é‡‘隅丽港城 8 #, 9 # F  2010-04-30
 Logistics Command College Residential Building  2010-04-30
 Navy wanquansi Residential  2010-04-30
 Second Artillery Training Building (building the Great Wall Gold Medal, safe and civilized cons...  2010-04-30
 Yu Mao-Hong Kong's Golden Harvest in Chongqing City  2010-04-30
 Chengdu Kelly at Hong Kong  2010-04-30
 Beijing Tennis Center Heavy Competition  2010-04-30
 Beijing Sheng Gu Zhuang Renovated 2  2010-04-30

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